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Group of BIPOC students in a school auditorium

Our Impact Survey Report

Read the 2020 Impact Survey to find out what we learned from 14 years of running (cyber)bullying workshops

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Group of BIPOC students in a school auditorium

About the survey

In August 2020, we launched our 2020 Impact Survey online to capture feedback on PROJECT ROCKIT’s impact over the past 14 years.

Over 3 weeks, we received 206 responses from past PROJECT ROCKIT participants aged 11 – 25 years old. The time passed since completing the workshop(s) ranged from 0 – 11 years, with an average of 2 years since participating.

Here’s what we learned:

  1. Over 99% of students reported that PROJECT ROCKIT was more impactful than other (cyber)bullying education provided at their school.
  2. 89% of students believed that their participation in PROJECT ROCKIT has sparked positive changes for them.
  3. 85% of students noticed positive changes in their peers after participating in a PROJECT ROCKIT workshop


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