
Teaming up for shared social outcomes
PROJECT ROCKIT has a strong history of working together to achieve positive social outcomes for young Australians. Since 2006, we've operated as a sustainable social enterprise, youth employer and global advisor to major social media platforms, such as Meta, Snapchat and formerly Twitter.
In 2020, we evolved our approach with the launch of The Project Rockit Foundation, our not-for-profit arm (DGR-1) - enabling us to partner with a wider range of philanthropic, government and community stakeholders to deliver priority support to schools who routinely miss out on opportunities like PROJECT ROCKIT.

Since 2019, Meta and PROJECT ROCKIT have partnered on our "Digital Ambassadors" initiative, which has to date trained 23,765 students in Years 7-9 with the skills to challenge (cyber)bullying and lead kind and inclusive online communities. PROJECT ROCKIT also serves as one of Meta's global Safety Advisors raising young people's perspectives to those in a position to make positive change.
P-ROCK X Kids Helpline

After launching Seasons 1&2 of our successful YouTube series, PROJECT ROCKIT TV, with support from Google, Season 3 of PRTV was created in partnership with Kids Helpline. Building on insights drawn from calls to the Kids Helpline service, episodes explored the most pressing issues currently faced by young Aussies - toxic relationships, staying mentally healthy online, body image and more.
Proudly working with...
Our partners and collaborators to date span community, government, philanthropy and corporate backgrounds.