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School Mental Health Menu Announcement

An important announcement regarding PROJECT ROCKIT's placement on the Schools Mental Health Menu for 2023.


In 2022 the Victorian government launched the  Schools Mental Health Menu , an initiative aimed to provide $86 million of funding to provide mental health and wellbeing programs in government schools.

In recognition of PROJECT ROCKIT's role as a leading and trusted wellbeing provider we were offered a place on the invitation only interim menu, available to regional schools in Term 3 and Term 4 2022.

Through a combination of a Department of Education administrative error and the untimely impact of COVID-19 on our team, we were prevented from submitting our tender for the full Schools Mental Health Menu, launching in 2023.

We lodged a formal appeal via the DET complaint process, which was unsuccessful and precluded any further progress towards our inclusion on the menu. We are disappointed by this outcome and ultimately that as a result, Victorian schools and students will be unable to access our support in 2023 through the menu's funding.

The DET has indicated another Invitation to Supply process will run in 2024. PROJECT ROCKIT will apply as soon as we are able.

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